Technology firms are as diverse as the individuals who start them. These people are often intellectually gifted, visionaries, true entrepreneurs, risk takers, and last but hardly least, they are driven workers.

I know these people. 

Conventional business is mature and little real change occurs. Technology is unique because it is commonly all new, and tech can be game-changing. Every technology entrepreneur fully intends to leave his or her mark on the world, and that is truly the most exciting element.

Sales is vital to such firms. My business is to help them.

Salespeople are among the most highly-paid employees because companies are sales driven. Sales work isn't easy, and not everyone can do it, and even fewer do it well.

Effective sales campaigns involve multiple components regardless of the product.  The people conducting the campaign are the most critical aspect.  Strong, experienced professional salespeople are fairly rare, and they are expensive. That is where I come in.

What I Do:
  • Market Analysis
  • Buyer Profiling
  • Cold Calling
  • Lead Generation Systems
  • Presentation Development
  • Sales Campaign Development
  • Sales Department Audits 
The first steps in selling any product are defining who will buy it and at what price. Identifying those key elements is challenging. I can assist in those determinations quickly and efficiently, and develop a system that others can reproduce. 

My services are affordable. Contact me here: