Q. Why should we outsource sales functions?  
A. There are many reasons to outsource, actually too many to list. Examples include:
   - Affordable high quality. 
   - Ramp-up quickly. 
   - No employee liability
   - Fresh eyes see the project. 
          Q. How is our IP protected?
          A. The same as with an employee via an executed NDA. I take them quite seriously.

          Q. What are you best at?
          A. Analysis, cold calling, and group presentations.

          Q. Who does the actual work?
          A. Advanced functions are always done by me personally.  

          Q. What are your costs?
          A. Costs vary by assignment and are negotiated.

          Q. Can you work with our existing sales team?
          A. Absolutely. There are many ways to benefit an existing sales team.

          Q. How do we monitor you?
          A. Detailed reports.

          Q. Will you cold call offshore?
          A. Maybe. Offshore markets are unique challenges, but it could be worth examination. 

          Q. Do you come to our office? 
          A. Possibly but being onsite is not critical for most of my services.

          Q. Can you construct a sales department for us?
          A. Yes, but I will not offer that service until the second quarter 2012. 

          Q. Do you work only for start-ups?
          A. I work with any firm that can benefit.  

          Q. What makes you different?
          A. Ethics make me unique. Ethics is a complex subject, and it is critical especially to the tech industry.

          Q. Why do you use a blog? 
          A. Anything more complex isn't needed. 

          General Statement
          I have no major weaknesses. My career ambition is "balanced excellence." Example: Some people are surprised by sales reps who won't cold call, which is a growing sales fundamental in technology. Plentiful inbound leads are nice, but true professionals do everything needed by the firm, and they do it well. That is my primary objective. 

          My weaknesses are that I am a bit obsessive and goal fixated.  Work is almost always on my mind, and life-balance requires effort. My patience can be challenged by people who are less dedicated than I am, but I've learned to manage it over the years.

          Please click here to see the blog section for more about me. 

          My services are affordable. Contact me here:  TechSalesPro@gmx.com